Strong Ant 3
Strong Ant 3
€145,00 €99,00
Base A
Base A


Our contribution to training on the ground. Admittedly, we are not the inventors of these minibars, but we have once again thought a little further and equipped the bars with two editions. This allows them to be used at two different heights. Set up, the parallel bars have a height...

Fits perfectly

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Our contribution to training on the ground. Admittedly, we are not the inventors of these minibars, but we have once again thought a little further and equipped the bars with two editions. This allows them to be used at two different heights. Set up, the parallel bars have a height of 230mm for swinging legs and pelvis. If the Parallettes are laid on their side, they function as push-up handles, with a height of only 70mm. The lower height is an advantage especially for pushing out into a handstand. As with our pegboards, the side plates are milled from birch plywood, the bars are made from untreated beech. The distance between the two plates is 450mm. The diameter of the rods is 40mm.

In combination with the Base A, the Parallettes can also be hung on a wall or ceiling and thus used as a pull-up bar.


I am often asked if the Parallettes can withstand anything? See for yourself...


Customer Reviews

Based on 21 reviews
Joachim Adl

Einfach supa

Michael Buschmann
sehr zufrieden

Sehr schöne Qualität, schnelle Lieferung

Seehr cool

Versuche das Video nachzuspielen 👀

Ordination Domayer


Fabio Cappai
3 in 1!!!

Wunderschön gearbeitete, griffige und standsichere Paralletes, die man in zwei verschiedenen Höhen verwenden kann - genial!
Dazu noch die Möglichkeit, sie durch die entsprechende Halterung als Klimmzugstangen zu nutzen - völlig genial!

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