Trägerplatte Ant Bar
The Ant Bar, Strong Ant 4 or Ant Hill 63 can be installed seperately with the support plates. The plates are made out of unvarnished ash wood.  Shipment includes following items: The plates are delivered in pairs, without anchor bushings,...
Base A
Base A
This special bracket allows you to mount the parallettes on the wall or ceiling and can be used as a pull up bar. Fastening is simple as the minibar slides in sideways into the bracket and secured with two magnetic...
Base A Plus
Base A Plus
The BSP is a supporting cantilever which allows to install a trainingboard into the Base A wall brackets. If plugged, the measurement between front side of Strong Ant 3 or Ant Hill 63 and the wall behind is round about...
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Ant Hill 63 - Adapter Kit
With this adapter kit, you can fit your Ant Hill 63 pegboard so that it can be plugged onto the Strong Ant 3 in a simple way. 
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Anchor bushings
Anchor bush to install on the Strong Ant 3 to add on the Ant Bar chin up bar and Strong Ant 4.
Knockers 80
Knockers 80
The spherical handles are a practical expansion to strengthen grip muscles. They fit on all pegboards, Power Ant Mini and Strong Ant 2. They are made out of unvarnished beech wood, with a spherical diameter of 80 mm. Attention: The...
Knockers 100
The 100 series is identical to the knockers 80, but the diameter of the sphere is 100 mm and is therefore a little more difficult to hang on to. Knockers are coming to you in pairs. Attention: The Knockers 100...
Befestigungsset Strong Ant 3
Befestigungsset bestehend aus 4 Edelstahl-Schrauben und je 4 TOX Dübel. 
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