Ant Bar
Ant Bar
The Ant Bar is the optimal training expansion for the Strong Ant 3 fingerboard. Using special anchor bushings, it can be mounted within seconds and can withstand burdens of way over 100 kg. Basic material is flexible ash wood, side...
Strong Ant 3
€145,00 €99,00
Strong Ant 3
Strong Ant 3 was specifically designed for climbers that already have advanced climbing experience. On four rows are pockets, one and two finger holes with depths of 15 to 40 mm. Both slanting ends of the top edges are undercut,...
€145,00 €99,00
Our contribution to training on the ground. Admittedly, we are not the inventors of these minibars, but we have once again thought a little further and equipped the bars with two editions. This allows them to be used at two...
Base A
Base A
This special bracket allows you to mount the parallettes on the wall or ceiling and can be used as a pull up bar. Fastening is simple as the minibar slides in sideways into the bracket and secured with two magnetic...
Ant Enna
Ant Enna
​​In the second generation, the Ant Enna is no longer made of stainless steel, but is now made of skin-friendly ash, which makes it a wonderful tactile experience to hang out with. The AE fits on any of our boards...
Climbing Burger
€349,00 €299,00
Climbing Burger
The climbing burger happened more or less by accident. Lukas got himself a big wooden sphere turned and brought it to the workshop to show, try and to inspire. Large spheres can't be made as a whole, not even by...
€349,00 €299,00
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